Elementary Enrichment Options
Maximum of 28 students per class. For larger groups, simultaneous or back-to-back classes may be available.
Field trip + enrichment cost: $15 per student/$11 per adult chaperone. One free chaperone is admitted with every five paid student admissions if the group meets the minimum required attendance and ratio.
All classes are adaptable and appropriate for grades K-5 unless otherwise noted.
Brackitz: Get Moving!
Use engineering design challenges to explore concepts of work, energy and motion.
Creative Collages:
Go on a journey of composition by using the elements of art (line, shape, space, value, color and form) to make a tissue paper collage.
Creature Features
Investigate Pacific Northwest wild mammals and discover the unique features that help these animals thrive in their environment.
Daring Dissection
Take an immersive look into the world of the barn owl and discover what it eats by dissecting its pellet. (Best for grades 2-5)
Examine how fossils form and use clues to investigate their origins.
Discover how the physical properties of ordinary water can lead to gravity-defying stunts!
Create your own Picasso-inspired masterpiece using games, visual exploration and artistic principles.
I Can’t Believe My Eyes
Learn the science behind optical illusions and experience the tricks our brains can play on us. (Best for grades 2-5)
“Klee Cats” Oil Pastels:
Explore the wonderful world of color blending with this make-and-take project. Learn about artist Paul Klee, the color wheel, and how to use oil pastels like a pro.
Magnificent Masks
Explore the historical, cultural and social relevance of masks and create a mask with its own unique history.
Meet the Robots:
Direct a fleet of mini-robots around obstacles and control them using sensors and simple programming.
A unique make-and-take artistic adventure in which kids create using nature’s bounty, new & recycled materials and black light chalk.
Rockin’ Rollercoasters:
Learn about potential and kinetic energy as you engineer and test a simple marble rollercoaster.
Searching for Aliens:
Could there be life in the solar system beyond Earth? Take a tour of planets and moons where scientists think life is possible and conduct your own test for life. (Best for grades 1-5)
Solids, Liquids and Chemical Creations
Investigate the properties of matter and experiment with non-Newtonian substances.
Topsy Turvy:
See examples of tops from world cultures and experiment with balance, motion, gravity and energy.
Tree Treasures:
Explore trees and the products that come from them. Investigate tree anatomy and make your own recycled paper.
Watercolor Wonders:
Create your own watercolor masterpiece by learning and applying professional tips and techniques.
Wind Tunnel Engineering:
Attempt to balance forces by engineering and testing flying craft in a vertical wind tunnel.
Ready to book? Review our Planning Checklist and complete a Field Trip Inquiry Form: